How to make a delicious keto coffee in less than 5 min with 3 Ingredients

How to make a delicious keto coffee in less than 5 min with 3 Ingredients2

Article #36


Though there are many ways to lose weight, some tend to be much more effective and healthier than others. In fact, with the best diet regimens, you will not only drop the pounds easier but also correct medical problems like high blood pressure, high glucose levels, and a lot more. This type of weight loss program is currently known in the diet world as the ketogenic diet. The keto diet is great for a wide range of reasons, including helping to turn the body into a fat-burning machine. So, what does a keto diet consists of:

  • High-fat foods (i.e. fatty acids, grass-fed butter)
  • low carb foods like eggs, meats, dairy, milk frother, keto coffee creamer
  • low-carb vegetables
  • sugar-free beverages
How to make a delicious keto coffee in less than 5 min with 3 Ingredients2
How to make a delicious keto coffee in less than 5 min with 3 Ingredients2

One of the basic objectives of the ketogenic diet is to eliminate foods that are made with high sugar content by replacing these foods with moderate protein and high fat. By limiting the amount of sugar that you consume and intermittent fasting, your body can switch to burning fat a lot quicker and longer. And, this is why so many people refer to this diet as an effective way to turn the body into a fat-burning machine.

Additionally, because of the popularity of the ketogenic diet, a wealth of information is available online about how to make keto-friendly breakfasts, keto lunches, low-carb dinner dishes, low to no-carb snacks, and keto beverages like coffee. Therefore, if you are looking for more variety in the things that you eat and drink, you may want to consider making a cup of keto coffee.

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What is Keto Coffee?

So, what is keto coffee? If you look up the definition of keto coffee, you may find that there is more than one definition online. For instance, some people may refer to keto coffee as bulletproof coffee or delicious bulletproof coffee, too. In fact, these hot coffee names are often used interchangeably used and discussed by dieters in the keto community regularly. Whatever the case or circumstances, keto coffee is simply defined as coffee that is made with extra fat.

Fortunately, anyone can make keto coffee in the privacy of their home. All you need is a black coffee blend that you can use to make a good-tasting cup. Also, if you want the coffee to be keto-friendly, the only thing that you will need to do is add high-fat content to your cup. Here are 3 common fat types that are highly recommended in this community.

With that being said, here is also a special recipe for keto coffee that you may want to prepare for breakfast or another time, particularly when you need a good boost of extra energy to start your day.

Keto Coffee Recipes: keto coffee in less than 5 min with 3 ingredients


As mentioned above, keto coffee recipes can be described as coffee made with additional fat. In this recipe, the added fat may come from coconut oil or MCT oil. On the other hand, if you would like to substitute grass-fed butter and coconut milk for both of the fat listed above, the choice is up to you. List of ingredients with accurate measurements.

Supplies Needed:

Preparation and cooking time.

To make and prepare a cup of keto coffee: it will take less than 5 minutes.

Here are the steps that you should follow.

Step 1: If you have an auto drip machine available to make your coffee, you can follow the instructions listed below.

  • Pour filtered water into the reservoir of the Coffee Machine (about 8 cups)
  • Place a coffee filter in the basket of your auto-drip coffee machine
  • Put 2.5 tablespoons scoops of coffee grinds in the coffee filter
  • Re-insert the basket into the slot of the auto-drip machine
  • Switch on the power
  • Note: You can also use a french press machine, a nespresso machine or a K-Cup Coffee Maker. All these coffee machines will work perfectly with this simple recipe.

Typically, this part of the process will take between 3 to 5 minutes.

Step 2: Once the auto-drip coffee machine has stopped the brewing process, you should pour the brewed coffee into a cup.

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Step 3: Add MCT Oil or Coconut Oil to Your Coffee. Based on your personal preferences and how much extra fat you want to add, you may add at least 1 to 2 tablespoons (i.e. MCT Oil) per cup. Also, if you choose to do so, you can use a dab or two of sugar-free syrup as a sweetener or any other sweetener of your choice. You may also enjoy a fresh cup with spices like cinnamon, cacao or cocoa powder, vanilla extract, or another type of extra flavor or your favorite flavor.

Step 4: Use a Regular Blender to mix well all the basic ingredients to a creamy coffee drink

Benefits of Drinking Keto Coffee

You should also know that there are numerous great benefits to drinking keto coffee. Here are 3 of the top benefits that you should be aware of.

1. Helps to Make You Feel Full (sustained energy) for a long time

When you are trying to lose weight on a keto diet, you may find that the first few days or a week can be quite challenging. For instance, you may be hungry or crave certain foods that you cannot eat. When this happens, you may want to drink a cup of bulletproof coffee, especially since it has enough medium-chain, triglycerides to make you feel full.

2. Helps with Expediting the Weight Loss

Another great benefit of drinking keto coffee is helping to expedite weight loss. When you drink a cup of hot keto coffee, you can burn more stored fat throughout the day. And, you will also be eliminating eating high-carb snacks that cause you to gain weight.

3. Improves Brain Memory and Function

The addition of MCT oil in a cup of keto coffee is also helpful in improving your memory and brain function. For instance, according to information published by Dave Asprey and Medical News Today, MCT oil helps with alertness and reduces incidents of Alzheimer’s.

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Whenever you want to make a delicious keto coffee in less than 5 min with 3 ingredients, you can use the recipe provided above. This recipe is not only easy to make but also great addition to any keto diet regimen. If you are a coffee lover then you can make it as your morning coffee, breakfast, lunch, or anytime that you need an extra boost of energy.

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