9 Solfeggio Frequencies that can heal – sacred scale and Chakras


Article #24


yoga meditation

Meditation & Healing with Sofeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies, also known as the “Christ Consciousness Frequencies,” have great healing potential. Each frequency stimulates different parts of the brain and affects human consciousness in various ways.

The Solfeggio Frequencies are nine specific sound frequencies that can heal and transform people physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

The Solfeggio scale consists of six notes, of which five are assigned to the elements: fire (417 Hz), earth (528 Hz), air (635 Hz), water (748 Hz), and ether/akasha(864Hz).

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Some theories suggest that three other tones – Lux (396 Hz), Lex or Laya (417 Hz), and Dulce or Layatate (“tender”) at 392Hz – were named, bringing the total to nine frequencies that create a “complete” Solfeggio scale.

The creators of the original Solfeggio frequencies used them to develop a system with various applications, including tuning musical instruments, healing practices, and scientific uses like keeping time more precisely in clocks or watches using sound instead of light-based synchronization techniques.

These tones represent the exact frequency needed for each tone on an octave scale, according to some theories. Without these tones, we wouldn’t have music today as they are said to represent Do=396 Hz, Re = 417 Hz, Mi =528 Hz, and Fa = 639 Hz on an octave scale.

Ancient priests and composers used the original Solfeggio frequencies to create sacred music, or “the Hymn of St. John,” which is part of a special sound formula. A piece of music based on these tones is called the Perfect Circle of Sound, where each tone touches the next at exactly 120 degrees, creating an unbroken circle. Using this technique, beautiful harmonics are said to be created, making everyone who hears it feel good physically and spiritually.

For centuries, we know that certain sounds can affect our body’s energy field in different ways depending on their frequency – even things like physical objects have vibrations just like sound does but with slower oscillation rates than audible sound waves, i.e.,,, vibrating at a much slower rate. Some studies suggest that these frequencies could affect DNA, thereby changing its structure but also human consciousness.

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The Solfeggio Frequencies are the exact frequency required for each tone, i.e., 396 Hz, 417Hz, etc. and play a major role in “energy work” or energy medicine by helping balance all systems of the body, including nervous system disorders such as insomnia, high blood pressure – relieving stress-related ailments.

Cells communicate via infrared chemical rays, which means humans can harness this power within themselves through sound vibrations. Hence, ancient people were interested in them, especially when they began using musical instruments, e.g., 432Hz tuning for orchestras.

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174 Hz

To resonate with this frequency, hold your hands over your heart or solar plexus area. This frequency helps reduce irregular heartbeat, calms you down when stressed out, and alleviates insomnia by helping you fall asleep faster so that you get enough sleep for proper functioning. It also enhances self-love, which in return will enable you to love others more.

Earth Alpha – 174 Hz

285 Hz

This frequency helps with throat problems like sore throats and reduce anxiety and stress-related issues, including insomnia caused by anxiety or worry. It enables people who suffer from weakened immune systems due to stress-related ailments such as fatigue, lethargy, exhaustion, etc., to strengthen the body’s natural defenses against disease, i.e., bodily functions are boosted, making it harder for illness causing agents, e.g., bacteria viruses, etc. to take hold inside the cells so that they can’t cause any harm hence why this tone is known as “The Sound of Health.” If your throat feels dry while listening, you’re probably dehydrated; just have a drink of water, then carry on listening.

396 Hz

This frequency is said to have the ability to clear away negative energy. It’s good for removing heavy energies, deep-rooted anger, or resentment because it helps get rid of emotional pain, thus enabling you to move forward in life and let go of those things that no longer serve you not to bring negativity into your life. It helps you feel more optimistic about life and attracts love into your life by helping you become a better person.

Root Chakra – 396 Hz

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Helps with insomnia by inducing sleep, especially when suffering from broken sleep patterns, e.g., staying up late worrying about something then waking up early unable to fall back asleep, which causes fatigue. The tone has a balancing effect on both mind and body, i.e., physically, we feel lethargic & mentally, we’re stressed out. Still, this tone helps bring us back into alignment, enabling people to regain their mental and physical equilibrium.

Sacral Chakra – 417 Hz

528 Hz

This frequency is said to have the ability to elevate your mood by causing elevated dilation of blood vessels in brain areas linked with happy thoughts. It can help those who suffer from anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and other psychological conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar type I & II stay calm and relaxed during times where they may feel stressed out.

If you’re feeling down, this tone will boost your spirits so that you can find ways around problems instead of giving up – it helps bring a sense of lightness into life, especially if we’ve been going through difficult circumstances, e.g., financial difficulty, etc. In short, this frequency is essential for anyone who feels the need to get away from their problems and just be happy.

Gold Chakra – 528 Hz

639 Hz

This frequency is good for people who suffer from chronic illnesses such as lupus, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. It can also help you deal with difficult emotions that are holding you back, which in turn enables your body’s cells to function properly so that they don’t get damaged by illness-causing agents.

Although this tone can reduce stress, it doesn’t take away all of our worries because everyone goes through certain difficulties at some point in life, but what this frequency does do is enable us not only to cope with them better but have more resilience, i.e., the strength of mind so we can stand up after being knocked down time and again making sure we remain sufficiently motivated, willing & open-minded enough about different issues especially those related to our personal growth.

Heart Chakra – 639 Hz

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741 Hz

This frequency is good for people with addictions. It can help them by allowing them to stop compulsively taking drugs/alcohol when they’re in a place where it’s not safe, e.g., driving under the influence or while still suffering from withdrawal symptoms, because it helps keep their mind calm and balanced even in stressful situations.

It has an incredibly relaxing effect on our body & mind making us feel less agitated, better able to deal with stress, especially when we’ve been going through difficult circumstances, e.g., financial difficulty, etc. In short, this tone enables you to relax so that your neurons are firing at normal rates, i.e., without being overstimulated, which allows you to think about things more clearly instead of getting carried away by emotions or stress.

Throat Chakra – 741 Hz

852 Hz

This frequency is good for people with any respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis. It can enable them by making it easier for their lungs to take in more oxygen, i.e., inhaling, to feel less lethargic because of a decreased supply of energy.

It helps you deal with difficult emotions, which enables your body’s cells to function properly so that they don’t get damaged by illness-causing agents, e.g., free radicals or other harmful elements found within the environment where we live, work & play. In short, this tone helps keep our tissues healthy, increasing our resistance against disease while reducing stress at the same time. The benefits are endless!

Third Eye Chakra – 852 Hz

963 Hz

This frequency is good for people who have been feeling sad & depressed because it helps make them feel more optimistic about life, which strengthens their immune system making them less likely to catch a cold or flu.

It also has a fantastic ability to boost serotonin levels, i.e., the ‘happy hormone’ within our brain that regulates feelings, moods, and appetite. In short, this tone helps keep our tissues healthy by increasing our resistance against disease while reducing stress at the same time. The benefits are endless.

Crown Chakra – 963 Hz


In conclusion, each of these Solfeggio Frequencies has its unique properties, which can help us live healthier lives with better mental health and physical well-being so we can enjoy life to the full. They can even help us recover from chronic illness & disease by enabling our body’s cells to function properly so that they don’t get damaged by harmful elements found within the environment where we live, work, and play.

The first note resonates with the color blue, which corresponds with the throat chakra. It also helps stimulate our creative expression through speech and opens up channels of unconditional love from others.

The second note has been associated with Green energy or light that resonates from our heart chakras. This frequency can help heal emotional wounds, anxiety, fear & guilt, giving us courage and strength.

The third note resonates with the color yellow and it stimulates our solar plexus chakras. This frequency helps you feel more grounded as well as increasing your willpower. This can help strengthen relationships, banish feelings of anger & resentment and improve self-discipline.

The fourth note vibrates at orange energy, corresponding with the sacral chakra just below your navel. Here, we store all kinds of emotional experiences such as fear, guilt, shame, etc. When this area becomes overactive, it can become forgetful and unfocused in life, so having an outlet like music therapy may benefit some people.

The fifth note resonates with the color green, which can stimulate our heart chakra. Here we store all of our love, compassion & selflessness. Opening up this chakra allows us to see life through a more loving perspective and become less judgemental towards others, ourselves, and situations around us.

The sixth note corresponds with violet or purple energy that comes from within the crown chakras at the top of the head. This frequency helps connecting you with your spiritual source and open your mind up further than what’s possible without using psychedelics.

The final seventh frequency vibrates in silver-white light connected with unity consciousness – losing the sense of time/space while connecting everything on universal levels. It may also help us connect with our higher selves and the spiritual guides available in the universe.

The final note combines all six tones. Combining these frequencies can have an extremely powerful effect on our mind-body-spirit, creating a state known as vibrational resonance where you feel pure bliss within yourself. This frequency opens up your psychic abilities, such as telepathy which allows you to communicate directly from one person’s thoughts/emotions to another without using words.

It also helps increase intuition when making personal or business-related decisions, allowing you to make more informed choices for improved results overall.

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